Pride can help us!
When I was growing up in our spirituality group,… pride or to be proud was the worst…. Because pride is ego! And minority feelings is ego too. Pride hinders us to enjoy our life. Because everybody can hurt us easily when he is crashing our pride. We live in an illusion, that we are superior and that will hinder us to become better. We need humbleness to learn new stuff and too much pride will obstruct us to learn! When even somebody is saying our Guru is bad, - disciple ego, we will be upset. The Guru should take our ego and now another guy can hurt us with our relationship to that Guru! Understand your ego! Everything that we make will build up our ego or pride! When I went to the best Therapists in the world, much better than A. Roberts … I was astounded that these Therapists were building up our ego instead to destroy it. Not every ego is bad! The great Bhakti Yogi Ramakrishna said we can’t destroy our ego. So let your ego become a servant of God then everythi...