How to get the power back?
They have thrown a baby rat in a bucket of water and stopped the time how long it will swim easily. And then they gave the baby rat Probiotic… The results were outstanding. With Probiotic we feel less anxious and our endurance will be much higher. Even better, if we want to lose some weight with Probiotic it is much easier and faster. Because we need a good digestion and don’t want to clog our intestine by reducing our food. We don’t want to poison our guts through a too slowly digestion. Our digestion should be fast and efficient. A slow digestion reduces our power because we need 70% of our energy for the digestion. So worse our digestion through bad bacteria so more we store fat in our body. And we attract with a slow digestion inflammation. We poison our body! Imagine you give a spoiled mango in a basket with ripe mangoes. What will happen? The same will happen in your guts when your digestion is slow. Fresh food will spoil in your gut and will p...