Why is Attraction working?


Many people and the motivation speaker think if we just visualize it and then we get it…

It is not so, after I heard so many interviews of the most successful people in the world.

If we have the confidence to go 10 meters, then we can manifest that again and again…

If we don’t have the confidence, we cannot manifest it.

When we are 90% out of the time are worrying about money, then we will manifest that and not to become rich… 

We are identified with our old ego or believe system that is based on our experience and even worse on our suppressed negative emotions and traumas…

As long as we don’t release our negative suppressed emotions, blockages and traumas through feeling them, we cannot change our Ego/believe system/attitude…

Makes sense!

The University of California did a survive to become better…

The UCL proofed, what the hypnosis have proved already… If our mind is in an alpha state (meditative state) we can easier get the things that we want, because we are relaxed and open for new things…

The hypnosis goes much farer and discovered the beta, gamma and theta state of the brain…
So higher the state of the brain so easier is it to program the brain with new programs that are helpful to get the things that we want. 

The greatest inventor Alfred Tesla and Albert Einstein said that they have received the information… 

The people think that through logical thinking they can find a unique solution… 
NO. It is rather more that we prevent the solution from coming to us through logical thinking…

40 years ago, when I didn’t have anything to do with spirituality; I said that the solution was coming to me just when I was under the shower. And it happened always under the shower… Bum it stroked me and the solution without any logic was there….

We need to be relaxed or in a relaxed mood if we want to receive the information that we need… 
If we put us under pressure to find the solution, then this will prevent or delay to find the solution.  

Think this over…
Does logic help?
Life is at random and logic is seldom!

Our negativity held us back…

First, we have to get rid of our negative beliefs, blockages, traumas and emotions that prevent us to get the things that we want.

Second, we relax and open our mind for new solutions… 
We receive the information that is needed...
And for that is meditation and hypnosis. 

Third, we have the faith and confidence to do it. 

My Video:  Why is Attraction working? https://youtu.be/VbDKJziz5FA
My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast1/Why.is.Attraction.working.mp3


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