Is your lifestyle aging you?


A new research done by the Mayo Clinic gives evidence:

Poor Diet and Lack of exercise impact how quickly we age… 

The study starts with our cell grow…

Our Cell grow will diminish under too much stress or damage through: 

1.) chemicals in our food, 
2.) medicaments, 
3.) vaccinations, or 
4.) Junk food.

When the cells grow stops our cells try their best to recover and to repair themselves.

If this is not possible the cells will die or will stay in a dormant state, called senescence. 
These senescence cells will no longer divide into new cells, their function will deteriorate. And this will lead to age-related diseases and premature aging.

The Mayo Clinic gave either the mice a healthy diet or a fast food diet.
The mice on a fast food diet gained 300% more fat mass and senescence cells than the other mice within 4 months.

What happens when half of the mice were given an exercise wheel of both groups  
with a healthy and unhealthy diet.

The fast food mice could recover with exercise wheel, lost a big portion of their fat and were protected against the accumulation of senescent cells.   

The healthy diet mice benefited also from the exercise wheel…

For people who don’t like body exercise:

If you understand even a mouse is smarter than you when given her an exercise wheel she will exercise. 

Because she knows how body exercise will:

1.) contribute to better health, 
2.) longevity, 
3.) more energy,
4.) better sex,
5.) better physical,
6.) and to feel and think better.

We should change our attitude from to should to live a healthy lifestyle to a must to live a healthy lifestyle!!!!

When I was a kid I saw our neighbors running every day regardless of what weather … And then I saw my father suffering from many diseases …. I thought I don’t want to end like him!!!

There is no choice!!!! 

My Video: Is your lifestyle aging you?
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