Why are the Religions losing in the West?

 Every new generation has less interest in Religion and that is true for the last 5 generations.

For the question “Do I have a Religion”, the statistics of New Zealand for taking birth from 1900 to 1990 went down from 98% to 40%. …

Do you believe God exist and do you have no doubts about it? 
Statistic of the USA
Decline from 75% to 40% in the taking birth between, 1910 to 1990

It depends even not of the age of the people, whether they have an interest in Religion or not, it depends only of the generations.

The most developed countries with the best education have mostly lost their interest in Religion. 
Vice verses 
Prosperity, physical security (Social security), Science, Education, Modernization, are replacing Religions.

How can it bounce back that the Religions interest are growing?
If the Religions were suppressed like in Iran, China, then the Religion will grow again.

If a person has no Religion, then it is hard to convert him to become religious.
If the person is coming from a religious home, it is easier for him to stick to any Religion, even it is a different Religion… 

Are the Westerners being all rationalists? No
But still have no interest in Religion.

It seems pretty straightforward to me. As societies develop, people acquire more education and more leisure time. They aren't struggling so hard just to survive. The simple, magical answers provided by Religion are no longer satisfying.

Today we know already how worse had done all the Religions in the past!
Through the press freedom some of the bad conducts of the Religions are and were published…
For instance, only 3% to 0.5% of the collected money by Religions for catastrophes actually are spent for those catastrophes. 
Or recently they found mass graves of killed American Indian Kids in the yard of Catholic schools and orphanages in Canada. 
The Pope doesn’t feel responsible for that! Nor the Pope feels responsible for the donated $500 Mill for the Haiti earthquake, and nothing had done with that money for Haiti!

The Religions are the most corrupt organizations in the world. 

The Religions have killed, tortured, raped, exploited so many people and are still cheating the people today. 

The purpose of the Religions is to exploit the people with making them a bad consciousness for having sex (What the hell has the Religions/God to do with sex?), hell, karma… 
I wonder, why is not pieing obscene?

A true Religion is focus: 

To build up faith in God.
To be honest for every price! 
To help the poor, old and disabled people. 
To help in catastrophes, instead, to put the money for helping people in their own pocket! 
To build up love and compassion in the society.
To promote sex and family. 

All the other garbage that doesn’t fit in the religious scriptures to my description should be erased.

Sex is totally OK! That never should be in any concern for any Religion.

My video: Why are the Religions losing in the West? https://youtu.be/LiH4JTh3NP8
My audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast1/Why.are.the.Religions.losing.in.the.West.mp3


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