Why we don’t get what we want?

 Generally, if we are in the flow, or connected with the environment/the whole, we attract the things that we need to gain our goals. If we have inside of ourselves fears, blockages, traumas, resistance we REJECT, can't see the solution, are blind, ignorant, can't connect with things that we need to fulfill our desires. Then we are struggling.... 

Everybody has experienced how easy we can receive the things that we want when everything is in line.... And this happens just through our attitude....then the whole universe is serving us.

And if we full of tension everything is running against us.... Then only through hard work and struggle, we can get what we want....

What is if we want to change our lives and like to become successful, very wealthy,...

Then inside of us is the resistance to change that means our subconscious doesn't like to change his habitual programs, belief system.... And we have all kinds of fears to be confronted with a new world.... Again all the struggle that we receive to change our lives are coming from inside and will manifest in our environment.

What is doing the high achiever? 

The majority of High Achiever have a life coach to reach fast and efficient their goals without much struggle. Otherwise, they would reach a plateau and then they would struggle like us and go slowly upward. The high achievers want a life that is exponential, and they know that they have to change inside to reach a higher level. They are paying for their dreams, and they don't care for the price of their coaches. This is the reason why today coaches like Anthony Robins, or Hypnosis therapist Dr. Steve G. Jones are earning so much money. With Hypnosis we can gain a strong focus in our life that is 10 times higher than through affirmations. And with the traditional Hypnosis, we can also remove our blockages. 

For instance, I have removed my blockages that I don’t deserve to be wealthy, with my own produced Hypnosis mp3.  I can do this also with EFT and bioenergetic. 

 I have changed total my Life, from very ill, broken, depressed, to a happy, healthy, spiritual, wealthy person.... through the help of my therapists, coaches, and gurus....
 And I had sacrifice every money that I had, to fulfill my dreams… Even I didn’t have the money, somehow the money was coming to me…  

My video: Why we don't get what we want? https://youtu.be/0bMAZe6WHl8
My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/Why-we-don’t-get-what-we-want.mp3


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