Are the stars normal beings?


The great Sufi Master Pir Inayat Hazard Khan said if you want to be a Master or the very expert you need to be a tyrant. Looks weird, the trueness is that you become a dictator for yourself. If you want to be an expert T. Harv Eker said, you have at least to spend 10,000 hours on your particular subject. Only so you can become the best in your business and become rich.

I watched it again and again that these experts/stars are very self-focused (egocentric) because they concentrated most of their energy on their goals and for other things, they don’t have much energy. We don’t need to wonder why so often the marriage/family life is broken… from these experts/Artists…
I  meditate since 34 years every day… over 12 years in Meditation retreats … So for sure, I am also a tyrant to find the best. I tweet everything to gain better results for my spiritual path…. And even worse was my father in his business… He was somehow my role model.

On the other hand, these experts are also ordinary beings with feelings, so they don’t feel special, and you really can deal with them like normal people. They just neglect the normal desires, because their mission is most important …  and you feel that there is something missing.

Actually the stars/experts are crazy work alcoholics, they have often fun with what they are doing, and a balanced life is for them/us BS. Because it stops them/us to do what we like to do. And I hate to step on the brake, just for the show to be normal.

My video: Are the stars normal beings?
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