Decide before you know the path…

 This means we should be start with something new without knowing the next steps. As the bible is saying: the next day provides for itself don’t worry for the next day…/

We all want security, because our mind is designed to protect us. And this is in the way to live an exciting or successful life. If we know everything in advance, life would be boring and even then we can’t protect us. 
We need confidence and faith in ourselves and even better also in God… because we have only control over maybe 5% of our life! 
As an engineer you can maybe exclude 50% of the mistakes, errors when you construct something new… the other 50% will showing up later, and even after the product is produced, again 10% of construction mistakes will show up. Best example is the MS Windows system… 

If this is so why we should be afraid to start something new, why we should have fear of failure? For what is perfectionisms good? Why we have fear to lose our face? Why we don’t want to make the mistakes that are necessary to learn our lectures  in life?

All the Security is just an illusion, if we live protected and don’t risk much, even then nasty things, like accidents can happen.. 

I remember, when I was cycling home, it was raining and cold (November in Bremen)  I had to wait on a red traffic light. The traffic light turned green and the car driver ignored that. In the last moment I could stop and the girl behind me hit the car and flew through the air. Horrifying!!!

What have we really under our control? So why we can’t take the risk and start with something new and trust that we can do it. We don’t need to know the path in the beginning. Imagine you are driving with the car in the night from Chang Mai to Phuket (1600km), you can see only 50m, still you belief that you arrive in Phuket.  

When we decide to do it in anyway, then we get also the know how to do it… Just trust and life will be amazing.

My video: Decide before you know the path…
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