Episode 37 Pilgrimage with body strain to exhaust our negativity!


I want to give you ample proof that body strain exhaust can be used to reset your life, get rid of your traumas, and connect with the Lord.

It is well proven that body-oriented therapy like Bio Energetic brings up the negative suppressed feelings and releases the negative feelings and thoughts.
Our negative emotions are creating all of our negative thoughts.

Without pain, no gain

With special body exercises like Bioenergetic, and encounter under strain we can free ourselves from our negativity….
We have to undergo some pain…

Has sport or body strain through work the same effect?
In London, they have science proven on thousands of depressive patients that through sport, the depression will go…
Every body exercise with strain will release a part of our negativity and give us some calmness in our minds….

What is the most effective technique to do so?

After my experiences so more strain so better…

Some examples: I have done and still doing trekking. I have found out that so heavier the back-sack, so more difficult the trek and so more days we are trekking, so more we gain clarity, and calmness in our minds….

1.) Near Pueblo, Mexico, we climbed a Volcano from an altitude of 2900m to 4500m in 3 hours, and in 1.5 hours back…
For sure that was fast.

I repeated the name of God with every step I took!
Try it out, after some time you have much more energy and you can connect more easily with the Lord.

I had to go through my inside barriers to keep up the speed… My legs had been so exhausted that it was difficult to hike.
And I had big breathing problems when we reached a higher altitude. Nevertheless, I still kept walking and repeating the name of God …

After this strain all my negativity was gone and I got confidence and could start a new life.

Our Ego wants to keep up the negativity and so it will hinder us from releasing our negativity through exhausting our body…
And is telling us always to stop such activity where our body can be exhausted…. Don’t trust your Ego!

In the past, 1000 years ago, it was normal for the majority to exhaust the body and so release daily their negativity…
And for sure life was happier than our life….

2.) I wanted to trek from Manang to the holy Muktinath temple via the Thorong La pass, an altitude of 5410m.

Life is not easy, we had landslides on the road to Manang.
We needed 2 days to Manang…

Normally you have to stay 1 to 2 days in Manang for acclimatisation at the high altitude…
I skipped that because we need 2 days to Manang.

Every morning and evening I meditated, and did my Qigong, to make sure to do everything for a true pilgrimage.

This 3-day trek, from Manang to Muktinath is very exhausting, on the last day we had to climb 1000m altitude to cross the Thorong La pass, and then 2000m down to Muktinath.
I coughed already a cold…

I asked a porter what to do, and he said simply go slowly, then you can do it…
In the end, I could go only very slowly 5 steps, and then pause to grasp the air…
At this altitude is only 1/6 of the oxygen than at sea level.

Even I could enjoy it, I could see so much more without chasing a goal …
Just to be in the here and now, surrounded by snow…

Finally, I crossed the Thorong La Pass and could run down… fast…
I wanted air…
Again, I repeated my mantra and that gave me so much more power than usual and made me relaxed.

My psychological pain/traumas from my previous relationship were gone, I could reset my life… And start a new positive life and attract the things that I needed…

My Video:  Episode 37 Pilgrimage with body strain to exhaust our negativity! https://youtu.be/hFS_ZBypKCs
My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast4/Episode-37-Pilgrimage-with-body-strain-to-exhaust-our-negativity.mp3


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