For what we need compensatory satisfaction?

 We see and hear children demanding for sweets. In reality they want love, can't get that and so they want sweets. After some time it gets chronicle, the desire for love is suppressed and only the desire/craving remains for sweets. As grown-up, we use eating of sweets and other junk food for suppressing of our fear and all the other feelings.

 When I was making the Primal intensive group, (that means: 14 days releasing of the baby hood traumas,14hours/day) it was forbidden to eat sweets instead to eat fruits.... The craving of sweets subsides... and we got condition to substitute sweets for fruits...  one of the best groups that I have ever done...

If we do a task that doesn't satisfy us or we have a problem that we can't solve, we want some how a gratification for it....If we don't get the satisfaction we want a compensatory satisfaction.... this means for instance: over eating, eating junk food or sweets, smoking, taking drugs to calm us down, shopping,  looking TV, lose our time in searching the Internet, procrastinating, start to argue over meaningless thinks.... Instead to use our time for ourselves, to be productive, enjoying our hobbies, to have play and fun time, sex .... We waste our precious time.

How would it be, if we do this exercise? We breath deep in our frustration/emotions and release them, instead to be indulged in compensatory satisfaction. We learn so to let go our problems... and switch to something meaningful for us.... What we can't solve, simple accept it,... very often we get the solution later...and then we go on in our life. 

 One difference between a successful entrepreneur and a looser is... successful entrepreneurs know how to switch fast to different tasks, if they can't find the solution for that problem. Time is money....
Or we should choose a work that is more fulfilling for us, even we earn less money for it.

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