How to Work WITH Your Anxiety to HEAL Your Life


John Delony

Build a not anxious life.

What is the root of anxiety? 

You hear the smoke Alarm…
Something is on fire.
You smell the smoke.
If you are anxious it means,
Your body is working perfectly and you feel you are not safe.

We want to run away or to distract from our anxiety.

Anxiety can be our friend, a crippling friend, or an annoying friend.

How to get out of chronicle anxiety? 

I don’t want to live in a house with a smoke detector, because it is not safe?

Instead, ask yourself why your body wants to tell you that you are not safe?

If you have identified that you are lonely and deep in debt...
Your body would fail if he would not tell you that you are so deep in debt.
Instead of distraction look to solve your problem… then you can sleep.

Addiction is linked to anxiety.

Addiction means putting a pillar around the smoke detector so that you can’t feel the anxiety. 
For instance, drugs and distraction. 
It is easier to be occupied and distracted than to be vulnerable 
Because we want to numb our anxiety...
Men should not be in public anxious, so they drink, be distracted instead of admitting I am anxious.
So there is no model for them… to admit. 

Today we are in distraction mode and do not feel anything.
Don’t look at reality.
Don’t take ownership of your life. 

But your body knows that you neglect yourself and that you do have anxiety. 
Your body would fail if he let you sleep when you have deep problems… 
The society created all these methods, - drugs, TV, Internet, digital addiction not to feel anxiety… 
And so we were grown up and should keep quiet, should be calm, otherwise we were punished… 
Guess, later we took drugs, and smartphones, to calm down… 

Device communication is a distraction.

About kids… what is the worst for kids?
Rage, anger, when the parents are out of control. 
Kids absorb, tension. 
Kids understand mother or dad would rather scroll on their smartphone than talk to them…  
That are sanctions against kids.
A connected parent will win always.
So don’t use a smartphone at home with kids.

To be not enough creates again self doubt, fear…

The new cult of egocentrism and narcissism causes so much fear for everybody.

We have clipped all the connections to friends, the higher self, God, family, and love and have replaced them with narcissism, to do selfis and show how great we are on Facebook, other people should follow us or serve us… 
The result is isolation which causes anxiety.

Instead of surrendering to God, serve other people, serve your family…, believe in your family, and have a mission that takes away your anxiety and brings you peace.

Today we want to look good, how we win, how we succeed, how to make more, and be right instead of helping other people.

Anxiety in relationships

For relationships what is the worst? 

1. It is me over us. 
This means my ego is more precious than your ego and a good relationship,- so you have to serve me… 

2. It is more important how I feel and how you make me feel…

3. You did it and not me…

You can’t go back to where you were before in the relationship.
For instance 9/11 attack … You can’t rebuild the building out of the dust…
You have to create a new relationship out of the old relationship that is not working anymore.

In a relationship should be "us" more important than I.
Today, most friction in a relationship is moody and infidelity 

Moody: Emotionally unstable, or bitchy.

My Video:  How to Work WITH Your Anxiety to HEAL Your Life
My Audio: 


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