Whatever religion disapprove is wrong…

 Whatever religion approve is right. Quote from a sage. 

Religion is man made, and God is divine, beyond of our understanding.

God has no religion. (Gandhi)

Everything has its place (I-Ging, Srimad Bhagavatam, or Esoteric)

And God saw the world and said everything is good. 
Or don’t fight against the wicked. (Bible) 

The Christian, Hindu, Buddhist religion are fighting against the pleasure of sex and the Sufis (Islam Mystic), and Taoist see the sex as divine… 

For the Quran is a monastic path of religion wrong and even forbidden. The Quran said the human being are weak, so they should take a spouse.

The idea of renunciation and living in Celibacy was that a family is an obstacle for the religion person because the religion person can’t focus his full attention so much on God and is even forced to cheat and lie in a sexual relationship. 

The Srimad Bhagavatam sees sex in a marriage equal to renounce sex as a yogi. The yogi is renouncing the world, and the fruits of his doing The householder is renouncing inside of himself, the fruits of his doing. So both are the same. The householder should serve their families selflessly, and with that they serve God. This means the service of the householders to humanity is a great service to God. Without the service of the householders, the Yogis can’t live. 

Everything has its place (I-Ging, Srimad Bhagavatam, or Esoteric)

This is one of the greatest Quotes… The Srimad Bhagavatam tells us for instance: if one body likes to kill, he should be a soldier. If women love to prostitute they should do so because it serves the needs of men. What is with cheating? They should become businessmen because business is related to cheating (even 5000 years ago). What is with thieving? They should thieve the honey of the bees and sell the honey... So there is nothing wrong only misplaced!

My Video: Whatever religion disapprove is wrong…  https://youtu.be/5fYc606VWA0
My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/Whatever-religion-disapprove-is-wrong.mp3


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