How to change a habit?

 Make two lists: Why you can’t change your habit? Why do you want to change your habit? 
Feel your feelings that are in the way to change your habit.
Learn the right habit.
Repeat the right habit again and again until your subconsciousness is reprogrammed.

One example, there was a time in my life, dogs were barking angrily on me and attacked me (it might be spiritual connected…) 
My friend told me, just snap with one hand the snout of the dog, so that he can’t open it anymore, and with the other hand the neck. When I just left his home, I went straight to the place with the mad dogs. I faced my fears… (Zen: feel your fears and don’t be your fears); three big hunting dogs attacked me. What I made was my friend told me, and the dog was whimpering,- the other dogs run away. Afterward, I went to the dog-owner and charged money for my sweatshirt, that was torn from the dog. I never had fear again of dogs.

Next example, I as a shy, innocent, introvert boy had fear to approach girls. What to do?

I attended groups related to that (Sexual awareness… ). In these groups, I faced and released my traumas, and then it was much easier with girls…
Still, I was afraid to date girls. This means the girls dated me. I overtook the strategy of the girls...

 When I saw a sweet, lovely girl, I looked into her eyes from a distance, smiled and approached her… I felt my feelings and read her emotions. When I saw, that she like to have me, I embraced her and we went to bed. Easy to do for everybody, even without saying anything...

Why is this concept to change a habit working?

We perceive our environment or situations through our past memories... This means if strong emotions occur through a case, we repeat that situation from our past. The emotion of our past memories are showing up, even this has nothing to do directly with our situation now. 

For instance fear of dogs, fear of dating as I described before. 

We all have feelings, and our feelings should not be the decision maker in our life! Suppression of feelings doesn’t work because we decide unaware through our suppressed feelings. Zen makes it so clear and straightforward: Feel your feelings and don’t be your feelings.

If we are lazy, don’t like to do a task, ask yourself why… 

Make a list why you can’t do the task and a list why you want to do that task... Face that feeling that is in your way. And do it! 

My video: How to change a habit?
My Audio:


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