To blame is the worst!

 One of the worst habits…

Blaming makes everything worse. Instead, we look for the good in that situation. 

It is so easy to look good, even when we messed up when we blemish people, circumstances.

For instance, the Gold price went down because the Banks and the US Government had manipulated the Gold price to stabilize the Dollar and Euro. When we had invested in Gold, we lost a lot for sure we can blame,… 

Does it help? 


We have in every case to accept the situation regardless what injustice had happened.

We are responsible for our life and nobody else! So more we feel responsible for everything in our life so happier we are! (After a research in London) 

Life is a risk and injustice is a big part of our life… I ask openly where is justice? I hardly had found any. 

For instance, the Deutsche Bank had to pay $2 bill of fines for the Gold price manipulation…. In the end, the Deutsche Bank was bankrupt, and the Government gave Deutsche Bank $550Bill. Who cares for the $2 Bill fine? The loss gets socialized, and the profit gets privatized!  

We have to act, regardless what, to get back on track.

Feel the pain and go!  

What is if our strategies didn’t work out? Question yourself, learn from the situation and change your strategies!

What is when your spouse is always so bad to you… Hu hu … First, you have loved your spouse and then comes the suffering. With the suffering, we go in learning mode… and look that we improve ourselves, regardless what. We communicate honestly about our problems in our relationship with our spouse. 

Instead of complaining, we are making every day a gratitude list about why it is so great together with our spouse… This will help a lot.

My video: To blame is the worst!

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