Do THIS Next Time Anger and Frustration Take Control


When in stressful times or even when you are calm and peaceful, you get agitated by somebody. What to do?

Control your emotions stay neutral and build that muscle so that others can’t push your buttons to become angry, frustrated…

If you have problems with a colleague or your supervisor/boss/family, then read books on how to deal with difficult people, try the strategies and you will win.

Different people react differently, so we have to discriminate between different types of people to act efficiently. You can learn about it in these books. 
The same is true for selling… different people need different approaches to sell something… 

What happens when out of the blue sky somebody is agitating you…
Then you are unprepared…

What is when dogs run behind you and are barking…?
The nature of the dogs is to do so, you can’t change their behavior.
If you have fear they sense it… 
Fear makes it even worse…
If you get angry, again the dogs feel motivated to bark even louder.

Calm down, think let the dogs bark because this is their nature...
The same you do with the aggressors. 
And even if Goethe is telling this to us, I can’t translate his verse in equivalent English… 
Let them bark let them bully you, you can’t change that…
But you can change your reaction.

For instance, a baby is crying like crazy, if you beat that baby it becomes even worse…
If you embrace the baby with love or be lovely the baby stops crying.
And that you see again and again, that some people can easily calm down every baby, just with their loving presence.

The aggressor got provoked somehow and wants to punish someone weaker… 
You can’t beat him up, you can feel compassion… 
Remain kindly. 
When you react negatively with your anger, then the situation becomes worse.
Turn around and go out of this situation. 

When my neighbor tried to provoke me, I saw only a needy person… And then he wanted to beat me up, he is much weaker than me and I didn’t like to beat him in the hospital.
I said simply, I go to the police and will complain about you… and that I did… 
And the police came… 

Still, inside you are agitated… 
Then be productive with your anger and do things that need to be done that consume your anger. 

My Video: Do THIS Next Time Anger and Frustration Take Control
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