To Have or to Be?


We think if we concentrate on the outcome we will get that. Often, we suffer and even don’t get it.

Erich Fromm made it crystal clear that we don’t do it for the outcome. If I study and look that I get the highest score, I will forget what I have learned fast. And I don't become that expert.

If I look to get the most readers or to get many clients, this will not work. When I decided it is fun, an honor to write and to help the readers, I attracted even blogs where I could not write in the first approach. 

Think, how many times we have failed because of our wrong attitude. The attitude is what drives our life. And the other idea, I am greedy, don’t care for anything else only to accomplish my goal will backfire in the end. 

For instance: If I like to get pregnant for the reason to marry. Do you think that this will end in a happy marriage or happy family? Never! Both, the husband and wife will complain. 

Just to marry the right partner doesn’t give us for the next 50 years a happy marriage. Our attitude should be: to improve every day our relationship, and so we can transform even a bad relationship to a happy relationship. 

Our attitude is most important, for instance, we should ask:

Why we want that?
Why we can’t adapt?
Why we dislike this person?
Why we hate our situation?

When we don’t have the success that we deserve, we should first check our attitude. Because our attitude attracts our outcome. 

If I want to finish very fast my task/job, my results will suffer from that.  

Konrad Adenauer (first Prime Minister of Germany) said to his driver: I have to be very fast at the Parliament, please drive slowly! Looks contradicting, but this 90 years old guy could understand life much better than us. 

To Be or not to Be that is the Question! (Shakespeare)

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