How to quit?

 One of the most common mistakes is to quit, even it doesn’t look that we give up.

The worst thing is that nobody is free of it.

What is so bad on it? 

We don’t know how long we should wait until we get the thing done. We try and try, and we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel… 

How I do it? I do my best, and if the situation is changing, even I didn’t get what I want, then I finish up. 

To try longer, doesn’t make sense, because I have done my best and when the situation is changing, for what I will try longer?

For example, we are together with our spouse, it is getting harder and harder, and we think how it is to get a new darling? This is not working! If we look inside and try to find our mistakes to improve ourselves, the situation will change. We are always our worst enemy, and the challenge is mirroring ourselves. What is inside is outside, and never that will change. If we change ourselves the situation will change. If we become better the situation will become better! 

There was in the movie: “The Secret”  a guy who was bullied everywhere… His therapist said because you attract that. Become positive the situation will change, and so it became. 

I had worked in the worst companies with chaotic chiefs and colleagues.  Every day I was coming home frustrated… Until I saw the problem is me, I could not get out of the situation. Honestly, I spoke of my problems with my “enemies, ”  and the enemies became human beings. 

This is so true for relationships problems, just speak out what is your concern, and what the other wants that we should change. You can be right or happy! What do you choose? Changing is better!

Without hardships and challenges, Life is boring!!!

My video: How to quit?

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