How we imagine our world?


THAT blocks us more than anything else.

If we imagine something, we want to verify what we imagine.

If we want something, we exclude what is not fitting to our desire. 
For instance, we love to go to Italy because of the rich historic culture and can’t find a cheap offer to Italy… Never the less there is a good offer to Turkey. And Turkey has far more to offer than Italy! Turkey is one of the richest history culture countries in the world, maybe the most! 

If we desire something, we often can’t see what is, because our desire thinking hinders us to see what is. Positive thinking hinders us from being in the here and now, see what is and not what we desire!

We don’t want to see the reality.
If we want to live in the here and now, every image that we have in our mind stored already stops us to live in the here and now. Because our mind wants always to verify the things outside with the things inside of us and can’t see beyond it. 

For instance, a rich person sees everywhere an opportunity to get rich. Maybe we can’t see that because we are occupied with some stupid ideas from our mind. We have to get rid of all our stupid ideas/concepts about our life to get what we want. And we can’t enjoy our life because of our suffering in the past. If we free us from our old stuff inside, we can enjoy our life, or we can experience new things. 

We can switch off our mind with meditation to enjoy the here and now.

If we have an image of God, how can we experience God, if God is beyond of our imagination?
The Tao said, what we can see, understand, imagine is not the true Tao! Or Allah is beyond of our imagination.

Become who you had been before you took birth (Zen). This is the path of unlearning to live in the here and now.  

Theory is nice, go beyond it, open up for new things and experience the here and now…

My Video: How we imagine our world

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