Survive a HEART ATTACK if Alone


(The Chinese Breathing Method) Dr. Mandell

If you have crushing pain in your heart…
If cholesterol builds up or fat in the artery in the heart or plaque, oxygen can’t go to the heart, the heart starts dying slowly.

Symptoms of heart failure or heart attack:
Chest pain., 
Chest pressure, squeezing if an elephant sits on your chest.
Chest discomfort, aching, burning.
Difficulties of breathing.
Tired, dizzinesses.  
Rapid fluttering in the chest.

Don’t panic

Do Chinese breathing
HA-Ku breathing

Inhale deeply with the sound of Ha, like laughing ‘a’ like ‘u’ in run
Exhale say Ku (U like OO in the Book)
This technique will improve the oxygen in the heart and with the Ha sound it activates the heart.

At the same time, squeeze with the thumb and index finger the skin between the nose and mouth to calm down.

My Video: Survive a HEART ATTACK if Alone
My Audio:


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