What is the difference between Christian and Muslim marriage?

 In the Western society, the wife is the mighty one.
I proved that in my previous blog: Marriage, - men in slavery.  
For instance, the wives in the USA are making 86% of every purchase decision in the wedding. And if a husband like to undergo sterilization, he needs the approval of his wife. This means the wife can decide how many kids she wants. 

If the wife is making adultery, the husband can only divorce. Still, he has to pay for the kids and her. The judge doesn’t care who has cheated, done adultery; the judge makes only sure that the man is paying! In any case, the man married or unmarried has to pay for the kids he has procreated and the kids going to the woman. 

In the Muslim marriage, the husband is responsible for his wives (4 women are possible) and has to give the supply to her. The wife can only have one husband. The females are forbidden in the Mosque, and they must be veiled in public. 
The divorce is possible for both.
After the divorce, the kids are going to the husband.
When the husband or wife have made adultery (Zina), both can forgive each other or can divorce.  

After the Quran, the wife/husband needs 4 male witnesses who have seen the penetration to prove the adultery or the person confess 4 times the adultery! 

Is it possible to do adultery without 4 male witnesses have seen it or to confess?

After Maliki legal school: the single woman pregnancy is proof of adultery. This can mean, if an unmarried woman got raped and can’t prove that she got raped, then she has done adultery! 

Possible punishment for adultery (Zina) is stoning. Read the last 3 paragraphs.  

What is about prostitution? The husband marries the prostitution, penetrate her and afterward divorces her. This is the standard practice in Saudi Arabia. The Quran allows it to get married 3 times with the same spouse. 

The Muslim husband is the mighty one. Because if the wife is not good enough for him, he can divorce and his wife is also losing her kids and doesn’t get any support. Or he can take up to 3 more women if he has enough money. For instance, The Sultan of Turkey had 5000 wives, and many Sheiks have 10 or more wives! 

After the hadith for Zina: 
The proof for this is that the Prophet did not seek out the married woman whom Mâ`iz committed fornication with. He did not inquire after her husband and command him to divorce her. All he said was: “O Unays, go to that man’s wife, and if she confesses, then have her stoned.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (6633) and Sahîh Muslim (1698)]

Adultery has no legal effect in such matters because what is unlawful in Islam is regarded as nonexistent for such purposes. The evidence for this is that the Prophet said: “The child belongs to the (marriage) bed, and the adulterer is stoned.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (2053) and Sahîh Muslim (1457)]

Stoning for adultery is not mentioned in the Quran. 

My Video: What is the difference between Christian and Muslim marriage?  https://youtu.be/_s1pPbujH9Q
My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/What-is-the-difference-between-Christian-and-Muslim-marriage.mp3


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