Order in Chaos

 After the Chaos theory is the world a chaos where exist inside some order. There exist more chaos than order/rules in the world, for instance there exist more random numbers than regular numbers.

If this is so, how much is our life predetermined and predictable? I like to show you what is predictable/predetermined with the Chaos Theory and the Astrology. 

After the Chaos Theory, Order would be for example the day, night cycle, the 4 year season, the stock market cycles, generation cycle, catastrophe cycles…With these cycles, we can forecast an outcome. 

Chaos was the law of nature; Order was the dream of man. (H. Adam)

A Chaos can create a System, and a System can change in a Chaos. 
For instance, we get in love with somebody, and so we live in chaos. When we marry that person, we get some order in our chaos… and the separation will cause a new chaos.  

There exist Eternal Chaos without any order as the weather. For instance, the famous butterfly effect shows that a small movement of air can cause a climate disaster 1000Km away. 

If we have a desire or goal to come true, then there are very many things not under our control. If we focus our mind on our desired outcome and doing everything that is possible to get our outcome, still we can’t know our outcome. Because even our own subconscious can sabotage our outcome… or a little mischief from somebody can avert our outcome (Butterfly Effect).

After the Astrology, we can forecast with an accurate birth horoscope (exact birth date, - birth time,- birthplace) habits, inclinations, passions, abilities, and tendencies. 

I had my problem with that because I have a twin brother (dissimilar twin) who is living a very different life than me. The birth horoscope of my twin brother has a different chart than mine. And so my twin brother has some different habits, inclinations, passions and abilities than me.   

Also, I can live a very different life than I live right now. For instance, the forecast for my life was to be a professor/priest/judge or a mystic… I have chosen to become a mystic, regardless what. I had chances/abilities to become a professor, priest or judge. My twin brother became a lawyer. The Astrology forecast was right for me. 
With our birth horoscope, we can determine what time is opportune for doing something, like to marry, to invest… Nevertheless, I choose to go with my intuition instead of to go with the astrology.
In the end, we have some order in our chaos or life that is predictable. Nevertheless, our life is not exact predetermined as religion say so. And that is good so. 

What is good on a Chaos?

Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.

Invention, it must be humbly admitted, does not consist in creating out of void but out of chaos.

My Video: Order in Chaos https://youtu.be/Qz_CXqEDV1M
My Audio on Podcast: RELAX WITH MEDITATION or see link in the end. 
My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/Order-in-Chaos.mp3


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