
Why should be defeated to be bad?

 “Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.”(Mohamed Ali)  Our life is for learning and not for accomplishments!  We learn much more if we get defeated than if we win.  Inside of a ring or out, ain’t nothing wrong with going down. It’s staying down that’s wrong.”   (Mohamed Ali)  All the power struggle in life can make us strong, resilient or weak and frustrated. This is our choice, or it depends on our childhood. The people who give up easily have learned that in their childhood. The smooth and lovely youth will backfire later. The hardships in the childhood can make the people strong or addicted.  Most of all high achiever had a very tough childhood. Because of their struggles in their infancy, they become these extra ordinary people… “Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them – a desire, a dream, a visi

What is the best investment?

  Every effort, money, energy and time, I invested in my health and spirituality I got many times back. The Dalai Lama said when a man is old or thick, he thinks on health. Maybe then it is too late! What is the most expensive bed?  The deathbed!  Think about what is useful when you terminal ill? Maybe your health? If I would offer the terminal ill people a chance to get cured through an alternative healing, most of them are too stingy and say they can not afford it!! What can they risk? Instead to use everything to get cured.   What is the second most expensive bed?  The sick bed! Can you get another guy paid to be sick for you? How many days you suffer and can’t follow your agenda or to have fun?    Your health is not granted.   We have to step back to protect our body.  Stress, Suppressing of negative feelings and an Unhealthy lifestyle cause all diseases.  The health is connected with the spirituality.  In a healthy body is also a healthy Spirit. Our spirituality is intertwined wit

The shocking truth about Hydration!

  Too much water harms more than too little water… The problem is we need the water in the cells and through water drinking we can’t get that… The superfluous water creates problems or even diseases for the kidneys and heart… Inside our cells is potassium and outside of the cell walls is sodium… If sodium goes inside the cells, we get high blood pressure, which happens through too much water or sodium… Table salt is pure sodium and so it harms our bodies. The best alternative would be salt loaded with minerals like magnesium chloride and magnesium sulfate that pull the water into the cells, combined with potassium. We need to eat enough vegetables and fruits to get the cells hydrated. Instead of consuming table salt, we substitute it with Celtic salt which contains 82 minerals including magnesium chloride and magnesium sulfate Or Himalaya salt that includes 75 minerals… Add a little bit of Celtic or Himalaya salt to your glass of water. Much better are pure unheated, fresh vegetable or

How to relax in difficult times?

 In even good times it is for many people difficult to relax. Because we are occupied with too many things at the same time, and that creates a flood of thoughts. It would be much healthier to reduce our conflicts or our problems.  Less is much more. After the 80/20rule gives us 20% of our jobs 80|% outcome… For what we need the 80% of our jobs, problem makers?  Make a list from all of your friends, jobs, tasks, where you are involved in…. Get rid of the 80% that will contribute positively only to 20% to your life. |Why?  In crises, this 80 % will pull you down and will take your power that you need. Learn to meditate or to relax with sport, dancing, music, painting,…  When the things are running worse, we like to relax. How to do? 1.) If we struggle, we don’t like to accept our situation and even are fighting inside against ourselves.  So faster we relax, so faster we come out of that situation.  Everybody experience injustice, so you are not alone. Juices are unusual. Think how much

Does chasing happiness work?

  On a beautiful Sunday, I went to the emergency doctor to give me my injection… I was 21 years old and was consuming over 20 drugs a day, and got my daily dose…  To make the long story short, the doctor failed to give correct me the injection, and I left my body. I was clinical dead…  When I came back in my body, I understood that my life was from the beginning in the hell… I was punished every day, mostly for things I never did… Until I didn’t feel anything. I defined my life new, it should be the sum of my happiness.  I started with psychology, participated in many groups, began to meditate, became fast spiritual, and all my diseases disappeared. I learned that everything has two poles. We can only experience happiness when we have experienced the opposite feelings, like sadness, anger, frustration,…  And most of our time we hold unconsciously on our suffering and can’t experience happiness. So faster we release our negative feelings so faster we can feel positive emotions like love

Quotes Charles Bukowski

  Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead. Sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think, I'm not going to make it, but you laugh inside — remembering all the times you've felt that way. We're all going to die, all of us; what a circus! That alone should make us love each other, but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities. We are eaten up by nothing. What matters most is how well you walk through the fire. You have to die a few times before you can really live. The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence. Find what you love and let it kill you. An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way.  An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. There are worse things than being alone but it often takes decades to realize this and most often when you do it's too late and there's nothing worse than too late. Some lose all mind an

How to feel good through singing?

 When we sing our brain releases the neurotransmitter endorphins and dopamine in our body. Both substances lift up our feelings and reduce our stress.  If we sing emotional, we exhaust our negative emotions and become happy…  If we sing in a choir with other people, we get connected to the people and don’t feel alone anymore.  Even better if we sing very emotional Gospels, Ragas, Bhakti songs for God, we can connect with God or the divine.  This is the easiest way to connect with God!  We can learn to improvise or to sing free instead to sing learned songs. It doesn’t matter how it sounds, it is more important that we enjoy it.  As a Taoist I have learned to sing free, it is called Soul Singing. This means we sing out our soul or what is in us. When we repeat a pattern of some notes, we should intentionally change what we sing.  We put one palm 5 to 10cm in front of our heart chakra and the other hand like a karate hand with the thumb pointing upward and fingers pointing forwards in fr

My Book: Enjoy your life now!

My Book: Enjoy your life now!
Enjoy your life now!

My Book: Learn to Relax with Meditation

My Book: Learn to Relax with Meditation
Learn to Relax with Meditation

My Book: Heal Yourself and Stay Healthy

My Book: Heal Yourself and Stay Healthy
Heal Yourself and Stay Healthy

My Book: The Magic of Qigong!

My Book: The Magic of Qigong!
The Essence to become Happy. Healthy and Successful!