The misconception Jesus was God?!


For the Muslims and Jews is that statement a contradiction and blasphemy? …
For the Buddhists and Taoists is this statement nonsense...

The Hindus can live with that and use the same analogy with Krishna… 
Jesus said: I am the path.
Krishna said this even 3000 years before him… 
Why cannot Jesus and Krishna be the path? 

For all religions, it is for God/divine everything possible, but not for the human mind of different religions! 
This means they stick God in a confined jail with dogmas… And God has to fulfill their dogmas otherwise it is not God or even more nonsense it is the devil… 
When everything is possible why cannot God live as a human being on the earth and at the same time as an eternal spirit/power rule the universe? 
Because the Muslims will interfere and terrorize God?

The faith in the devil is mostly higher than in God…

And for me doesn’t exist a devil who is stronger in some situations than God.  
The Hindus believe the same. Because everything is under God’s control and so also the so-called devil or Antichrist.

Before Jesus was crucified he prayed to his Father or God...
When he was God how could he pray to himself… 

God is spirit.
This means you cannot confine God to a torso with 2 arms and legs and a head…

God is not a material object.
God is a spiritual being that is why God can be in New York City and London … or somewhere else at the same time.

He is not limited to the physical. 

Jesus Christ claimed, that God who is spirit, chose to humble himself and become a human being.

God the son of Jesus, limited himself that is the key right now.
He chose to limit himself and confine himself to a body.

This means when they nailed his hand it really hurts.

He wasn’t just a spirit floating around.

It means he really got hungry and that’s why he ate.

He was an eternal God who is a spirit.

When Jesus walked on earth, heaven was not empty.
Jesus is not all of God.
Jesus is part of God.
God the son who humbled himself took upon himself a body but was not just a man.
He was God in Human form.
But he was not all of God. 
That is why he was praying to his father… 
That is why he talked about the holy spirit.

I want just only to consider that as the trueness of the Christians. 

My Video:  The misconception Jesus was God?!
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