Apply Kai-Zen in your life


Lift up your arms…
And then stretch it more upwards…
Was that possible?
If yes, then you can improve always…

Take the next step chose the smallest improvement that is possible. 
Take the smallest step.
And practice the easiest one.
That is always doable, will never overwhelm you.
And do that in your work, 
Treat people a little better. 
And that you do every day.
After one week you have gained a lot.
No frustration, but huge improvement where you never could fail.
If you start with something bigger your mind will sabotage you…
With small steps, your mind has to agree…

Think over what little step you can improve on your work.
Start with the smallest and practice with the easiest. 

For instance, to clean up your desk…
To write down the things that matter.
To be a little bit nicer to one or your colleague. 

My Video:  Apply Kai-Zen in your life

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