Don’t get in the trap of Karma

Definition Karma:
After the Hinduism/Buddhism (similar Christianity) if we are doing bad or good deeds we will get that back in the future somehow… Even much more, similar to the Catholic Church, we can harvest the bad Karma from previous generations of the family (original sin), if not, we have to suffer in the hell for these bad deeds. 
For the Hindus, our previous lives can give us also a bad Karma! 

How to get rid of a bad Karma?
Go to a temple/church and pay money for that … Then the monks will pray for you…
Money, Money, Money that drives the world… 

The Karma law was designed by Religions and is NOT an Esoteric Law…
Because nobody can prove that the Karma is actually working or actually working for who.

If we see how many bad guys in the past have ruled the countries and enjoyed their life, even by killing/torture/enslaving from people…
And that even have done the Religions at most!

Then we must understand that the Religions can kill/torture people without any harm and without any Karma!

So for what is Karma?
For exploiting the people by Religions?

Buddha said don't think about Kama, because nobody can understand it. If you want to understand Kama what you cannot understand then this will lead to madness.. .

Still, the Tibetan are teaching Karma like crazy… 
And for the Tibetan is Karma the over-holy grail…
Even worse, the Chinese didn’t care for the Tibetan’s holy Karma and conquered easily Tibet…

The Law of Karma has crippled India for 1000 of years, because other nations and Religions could easily conquer India, because they didn’t had any problems with Karma!!!

For the Sufis and Lao-tse Taoists is Karma not true… 

The Sufis can love only one Lord …
Or Jesus said, you can only serve one Master…

For the Sufis, You can have faith in the Karma or in the Lord, but not in both! 
The Sufis accept that injustice is normal!

Shakespeare said: Might is right…
And if  we see the history until today we must understand:
Who has the power is always correct and can do what he wants…

The Religions want to prove that their is justice and is teaching us…
A wicked guy will get punished for his bad deeds when not in this life, then in the hell… 

And for that we need the Religions to help us not to go in the hell for our bad deeds or bad Karma…

Until today nobody could prove that their is a hell… 
It is rather more that there never was/is a hell.
The Religions are exploiting/blackmailing the people with the hell…  

Actually we don’t need the Law of Karma…

Because the Esoteric Laws are enough…

First Law: What is inside is also outside…
We attract and manifest the things that is inside of ourself…

If we want to become wealthy, we have to change our inside attitude/emotions/thoughts so that we Attract (Law of Attraction) the opportunities… And if we do the Work/Action (Law of cause and matter) we get the results that we want. 

I by myself try my best to be a good guy and not to harm people, animals and our environment… 

I love the Lord and I have to accept the unrighteous world…  

My Video: Don’t get in the trap of Karma
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