Episode 33 Total defeat


In our North India Tour with our Ashram, we had a 5-day event with Darshans (personal meeting with the Guru), Pujas (worship of Deity) and Bhajan (Hindu Gospels) singing…
100,000 Indian devotees were coming…

Our group, about 20 men, of strong and big Western men, had to put the people in waiting lines for the Darshans and give space for sitting and meditating…
I had the most experience to do so and was leading our group of partially inexperienced men…

Imagine a place size of 1 square Km, with a tribune, height of about 4 meters, size: 200 square meters, and stairs in front of it… and hidden stairs in the back.

We tried our best to put the Indians in waiting lines… and the local Indian devotees have given them waiting numbers for the Darshan…

Not a so easy task?!

As usual, the crowd was hard to control…
I didn’t care, and tried my best to control the waiting lines…
And when a line didn’t work out, I rushed to that line and helped …

Then it escalated, the crowd got upset and we got into huge trouble…
I asked several Indians that I could trust, what is the problem?

And they told all the same… the Indian locals had given the people token-numbers, who were waiting at longest and arrived early the highest token numbers instead of the lowest token-numbers for the Darshan, …

And in front of us were about 100000 impatience Indians…

I told the Indians, please hold this line I will inform our staff. I squeezed through the crowd as fast as possible to go to our staff…

Explained them our problem and said we have to calm them down..
Give them new numbers.

They said, no chance anymore, hold on, the police are coming…
I rushed back, the Indians did a good job…

It became worse and worse every minute…

We decided to go to the entrance of the tribune, we divided our group, one group on the right path one group on the left path to the tribune, and one in front of the stairs..

100,000 people were storming the tribune …

And the police were not coming …

We positioned ourselves strategically on the left and right path to the Tribune’s stairs and in front of the stairs to hold our last stronghold. Our other defense lines were already broken and we were running out of time. That sounds professional?!

First, the right path to the tribune was knocked down and then the left path (with me) to the tribune was stormed…
I lost my consciousness, I can’t remember anything…

Somehow later, I gained back my consciousness and watched in slow motion when the stairs with my friends on top broke down…

It was so devastating to see that…I felt I was responsible for that, could not do anything, because I could not go up and help…
A friend who helped me to gain back my consciousness …
Asked, are you okay, can I go to the stairs… Yes!
Are you sure?
Yes, go…
I asked myself, what if they are severely in-juried?

The ambulance and police came and luckily no man in my group was severely in-juried…
We had wounds, and black spots, and these are easy to heal.
Our white cloth was dirty, bloody, and torn…

Then one from our staff (Brahmachari ) was coming, we should go on the tribune, our Guru is waiting… I said wait we are so dirty and in front of us so many people, let’s go first to the nurse, wash, and change the cloth…

The Brahmachari went back to our Guru, and our Guru said we should come immediately…

“Rudi, can you go up?”
I felt dizzy and had an urge to vomit…
“I will try…”
I lost my consciousness again…
I can’t remember anything.

Later we were on the stage and explained what happened…
We looked like a gang after a street fight…
I had to go to the doctor, and then to rest for some days…
Our Guru scolded the local Indians and said my devotees will never help you again…
And so we never did this task again.

My Video: Episode 33 Total defeat  https://youtu.be/8CUSAyv1LeI
My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast4/Episode-33-Total-defeat.mp3


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