If we not ready to fail we can’t succeed.

 Looks weird? 
If we play really high, with the outcome to lose, then we must be ready to accept without regret to lose. If we have fear to lose, then we attract that we lose. And if we lose, then we try again… until nothing can hold us back… to win. 

We need to be comfortable with to fail, to win. That is the rule for the high performance…. Or for every baby who learns to walk… in the end, it will walk… 

If we would see failing as natural, or if we would enjoy failing, for sure nothing can hold us back. 

I have never been a great musician because I never trained like crazy for years, every day 8 to 14hours… so how can I expect to be good in music? I never had this drive to train like crazy music… and when the drive is missing then how we can be very successful? 

I don’t like to do training in selling, but I like to become rich fast and efficient… This is a contradiction and right for so many people…. We like to get the fruits and don’t like to do the work… Because we don’t have the drive…. 

The solutions are:
A. We are doing things that we love to do, so we don’t care for failing.
B. We convince us to get the fruits whatever it takes…. And only then we can work like crazy to get our fruits and maybe we don’t find our work satisfying…. In the end, we might be rich through the things that we have done… 

For T. Harv Eker, Steve Jobs, Joel Bauer … is the solution A the right one, because it is more fun. We can get rich in every profession, with the right concept and money management. And we have much higher endurance, we don’t give up too early because it is fun… 

Again if we have fear to fail, then maybe we don’t have a good time what we are doing; because our mind is only focused on the fruits instead to work with pleasure.
My video: If we are not ready to fail we can’t succeed. https://youtu.be/e51f-d9-fso 
My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/If-we-not-ready-to-fail-we-can’t-succeed.mp3


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