Enjoy feeling bad

 We were growing up with: “to be happy is the best”… and “to feel bad is bad” … 
And so we were forced to suppress our negative feelings and to suffer by getting diseases or depression through our hidden feelings. We learned that we can fix our bad feelings, through seeing TV, eating sweets, taking drugs, go shopping …. For what?

When I was a Sannyasin of Bhagwan we had to wear red. When we, my darling and me separated from our awesome Love Story … we got so many spiritual rewards for our deep love from the creator… 
I felt very sad. So I wore black. Because I felt so and I was proud that I could honestly show my feelings as they were and didn’t make any “be happy”, or “be okay” show.  
Our community was challenged by my behavior and accepted it. 

From this very time on, I refuse to make any “be happy” show, regardless what my darlings, chiefs think… when I was crying or angry in front of them. 
You never can reward yourself more than to be authentic and to show your feelings as they are.

Because only you can give you the permission to be authentic and not to be a puppet.

The great Sri Aurobindo said: The vessel of joy is out of sorrow. 

So deeper we can feel our negative feelings so more happiness and love we can feel. 

The Zen is saying: feel your feelings and don’t be your feelings!

We let flow our feelings and don’t stick to any feelings nor to prefer any emotion! 

If we do so we can go beyond our feelings, thoughts, and body. Yes, that is possible! With judging, we never can reach such high spiritual plateau. 

Emotions are just emotions, nothing more!

Normally during the day our emotions going up and down. And if we feel bad, we try:

Breath deep in your feelings.
Make sport.
Think: Thank you, that I can feel that emotion. Regardless of what, let flow your emotion. 

After some time, we can accept our emotions and the feelings of other beings much better, without to go into panic mode. Alone that is priceless. 
Later we become more and more detached from our emotions and can watch our feelings! And this is true spirituality! 

My Video: Enjoy feeling bad  https://youtu.be/gCgGIMnJvgw
My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.B/Enjoy-feeling-bad.mp3


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